Hi! I'm Linus.

Infrastructure & Hosting - Networking n3rd

About me

I’m currently employed and working for Dialect with the IT-Infrastructure and Hosting.

Most of my days are spent behind a computer screen, so it goes without saying that I have a big passion for technology and learning the ins and outs of it.

In my working career, I’ve had the chance to face a lot of different challenges. Everything from simple IT-support questions to advanced networking and organizing training sessions.

My biggest passions in tech are networking and computer science. Right now I’m trying to learn more frontend development, and therefore, this site was born!

Networking is something that always has interested me. I have studied the CCNA to get the basic knowledge and then worked alot with RouterOS to get practical knowledge. It is something that really scratches that problem-solving itch.

TL;DR I am an IT nerd